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We’re grateful for the presence of Lance, who attends the AbilityFirst Long Beach Center.

Lance enjoys life to the fullest, and people enjoy being with him!

Since he came to our programs in 2006, Lance has become much more independent and self-directed. He’s now willing to put on a jacket when it’s cold outside, and is ready to pay for his food and other activities when he’s out in the community.  Currently Lance attends the adult day and adult after programs, and week night, “Buddies” group.

Lance is a very social person, and likes to be with people, whether in the community or helping at a center fundraiser. During the pandemic, he  looked forward to meeting Activity Coordinator Kristine out in the community for an outing or an activity. It made an enormous difference in his state of mind and attitude.

Today, AbilityFirst is like a second family to him.  Lance has learned how to cook and do laundry on his own. He’s taken on a leadership role on the safety team at the center, checking fire extinguishers and proudly making sure his fellow participants, staff, and friends are safe.   He has become more social and engaged, and enjoys group activities like eating with his peers.  He laughs and loves to play little pranks. Lance brings good cheer wherever he goes. We’re glad to know Lance!

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